ACTUALITEImproving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems: OECD Conference Proceedings...

Improving Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems: OECD Conference Proceedings – OCDE




Demand is rising for agricultural products such as food, feed and fuel. However, agricultural productivity growth rates have been slowing, pressure is increasing on finite natural resources such as land and water, and producers face uncertainty over input costs and the effects of climate change.

An OECD conference in June 2011 looked at the issue of innovation in agriculture. How can government policies be aligned towards increasing agricultural innovation and improving productivity? How can international co-operation generate productivity growth in developing countries while addressing the challenges of climate change and resource limitation? This publication compiles papers presented at the conference.

The conference brought together experts and case studies from around the world, sharing experiences and ideas from Europe, China, the United States, India, Africa, Brazil and Latin America, Australia and New Zealand.

Participants discussed developments in institutional frameworks, public and private roles and partnerships, regulatory frameworks conducive to innovation, the adoption of innovations and technology transfers, and the responsiveness of agricultural knowledge systems (AKS) to broader policy objectives.

 How to access this publication 
  • Agricultural policies and support
    Publications and further information from the OECD project on the subject of this conference.
  • Co-operative Research Programme (CRP) on Biological Resources in Agriculture
    Co-sponsors of this conference, the CRP aims to strengthen the scientific knowledge that informs policy decisions on sustainable use of natural resources in agriculture, food, forests and fisheries.



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