ACTUALITEOECD/Euromoney Roundtable on Long-term Investment Policy - OCDE

OECD/Euromoney Roundtable on Long-term Investment Policy – OCDE



26 November 2014 – Paris, France

Co-organised by the OECD and Euromoney Conferences, this roundtable focused on how to facilitate investment by institutional investors, addressing both potential regulatory obstacles and market failures. It brought over 100 senior executives representing the world’s largest institutional investors (pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and insurers) together with senior policymakers and regulators.

Discussions focused on:

  • Long-term investing, asset allocation concepts and the role of policymakers
  • Pension design and long-term investing
  • Real assets and infrastructure as an asset class
  • Governance practices for long-term investors in a dynamic investment environment
  • Charting the future: the regulatory environment, taxation, and its impact on long-term investors
  • The green revolution – ESG factors in long-term investment decisions
  • Challenges in long-term investment – the role of policymakers

High-level speakers included:

Richard Ensor, Chairman of Euromoney Institutional Investor

Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General | Closing remarks

Gabriela Ramos, OECD Chief of Staff and G20 Sherpa

Adrian Blundell-Wignall, Director of the OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs

Keith Ambachtsheer, Director Emeritus of ICPM Rotman, University of Toronto

Brett Hammond, Managing Director and Head of Index Applied Research of MSCI

This event was organised within the framework of the OECD Project on Institutional Investors and Long-Term Investment.   MEETING DOCUMENTS


Discussion Summary

Session Notes

Speakers biographies

Interview with Timo Loeyttyniemi, Managing Director, State Pension Fund, Finland

Interview with Adrian Bertrand, Environmental, Social and Governance Manager, Government Employees Pension Fund of South Africa

Interview with Daniel Summerfield, Co-Head of Responsible Investment, USS Investment Management, UK


OECD Project on Institutional Investors and Long-Term Investment

G20-OECD work on long-term financing

Euromoney Conferences: Roundtable on Long-term Investment Policy

Lien de OECD


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